
Watch video of a duck asking her pups to jump شاهد فيدو مثير لبطة تطلب م...

Watch video of a duck asking her pups to jump from inside a raised flower basket شاهد: فيدو مثير لبطة تطلب من صغارها القفز من داخل سلة زهور مرتفعة @CPN MiX A video clip showed the moment 10 baby ducks jumped behind their mother from a distance of 5 feet. أظهر المقطع لحظة قفز 10 بطات صغار خلف أمهم من مسافة 5 أقدام. the mother placed her eggs in a basket of flowers hanging on a wall in Britain, and after 25 days the ducks came out of the eggs. أن الأم وضعت بيضها في سلة زهور معلقة على أحد الحوائط في بريطانيا، وبعد 25 يوما خرج البط من البيض. employees of a company noticed eggs hatching during the current month, inside a flower basket fixed on a wall, after 25 days of incubation. موظفون بإحدى الشركات لاحظوا البيض وهو يفقس خلال الشهر الجاري، وذلك داخل سلة زهور مثبتة على حائط، بعد 25 يوما من الحضانة. employees noticed two days after hatching the baby ducks jumped out of the flower basket behind the mother from a height of 5 feet. أن الموظفين لاحظوا بعد يومين من الفقس خروج ا...

7 "Amazing" benefits of drinking warm water in the morning!7 فوائد “مدهش...

7 "Do you Know Amazing" benefits of drinking warm water in the morning! Water acts as a lubricant, solvent, shock absorbent, and building material to keep all parts of the body healthy and its systems running smoothly, according to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, but does the temperature of that water make any difference? One of the common "health hacks" is that starting your day with a hot cup of water, it can have increased benefits beyond drinking regular water at room temperature. Dr. Mehdi Zadeh added that it is also important to have a moderate degree of heat. The following are the benefits of drinking warm water in the morning: Weight loss Dr. Mehdi Zadeh says that consuming hot water alone will not make you lose weight, but it can increase the feeling of satiety, and thus you eat less. In addition, the body has to use additional energy to cool hot liquids or heat cold liquids, which helps burn a few extra calories. ...

One plate of this food 100% protects your heart. | طبق واحد من هذا الطعام يحمي قلبك بنسبة 100%

According to a specialized scientific study, one plate of green leafy vegetables rich in nitrates every day can protect the heart by 100% and significantly prevent all cardiovascular diseases. Two parts of the study The study targeted two parts, namely, do people who eat more vegetables rich in nitrates regularly, such as leafy greens and beetroot, suffer from low blood pressure? The second part: Are these same people less likely to develop heart disease after many years? Examining data from more than 50,000 people , researchers examined data from more than 50,000 people residing in Denmark over a period of 23 years, and found that people who ate nitrate-rich vegetables decreased their systolic blood pressure by about 2.5 mm Hg, and the risk of heart disease by 12 to 26 percent. Percent. According to "Sputnik". Reducing the risk of heart disease The study's lead author, Dr. Kathryn Bondono, said: “Our results showed that by eating one plate of raw vegetables (or h...

A drink that increases the risk of colon cancer , and women are its main victims | مشروب يزيد خطر الإصابة بسرطان القولون . والنساء أبرز ضحاياه

A new study revealed a single drink that increases the risk of colon and rectal cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer-related death, and its prevalence has risen sharply among women in recent years. drinking sugar-sweetened beverages during adolescence may increase a person's likelihood of developing colon and rectal cancer early in life. As part of the Nurses 'Health Study, which collected data on 116,429 registered nurses in the United States from 1991 to 2015, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, studied the participants' sugar-sweetened beverages intake, and the risk of early stage colon and rectal cancer. Puberty. The study showed that women who drank two or more servings of 8 ounces of sugar-sweetened beverages per day as adults were more likely to develop colon and rectal cancer earlier than women who consumed an 8-ounce or less sugar-sweetened beverage per week. The study pointed out that every 8 ounce...

A frightening side effect of taking omega-3 fish oil! | أثر جانبي مخيف لتناول زيت السمك “أوميغا 3” !

A new study warned of a frightening side effect of taking omega-3 fish oil supplements, which have many health benefits. The study published by the European Society of Cardiology and published in the European Heart Journal found that fish oil can increase the risk of developing a certain heart rhythm disorder. The study stated: "Although the nutritional supplement may or may not be able to help prevent heart disease, as some research indicates, it comes with its own risks, and specifically it can lead to atrial fibrillation," according to Sputnik. Atrial fibrillation is a condition in which the heart beats irregularly, which makes it five times more likely to have a stroke, and it may also put its owner at risk of developing blood clots, heart failure and other heart problems. The new study also revealed that "omega-3" fatty acids can particularly increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation for those who were already at risk of developing heart disea...

7 foods that can help you lose weight, grow hair, and prevent gastritis | 7 أطعمة يساعد تناولها على إنقاص الوزن ونمو الشعر والوقاية من التهاب المعدة

Nutritionists advised eating 7 boiled foods, stressing the need not to overuse boiled food to preserve its nutrients. According to a report published by the "Boldsky" website, concerned with health affairs, there are many other foods that can be healthy and tasty when boiled, such as chicken, beans and fish. The report explained that when cooking food, it is necessary for the nutritional content to change, and for this reason, health experts advise to avoid excessive boiling of boiled food during cooking because it can lose most of its nutrients. The report said, "Boiled food helps to lose weight, improve skin texture and hair growth, prevent acidity, kidney stones and gastritis," noting that the best part is that boiled foods can be delicious and tasty through some steps. Legumes Studies have shown that eating boiled legumes can lower blood cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and help maintain body weight, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Green...

They should only eat one egg a day | هؤلاء يجب أن يتناولوا بيضة واحدة فقط في اليوم

Dr. Yelena Kalin, a Russian nutrition expert, said that eggs in general are a beneficial nutrient for the body and positively affect the process of weight loss, because they contain omega-3 saturated fatty acids, which help produce L-carnitine, which in turn helps burn fat. . Also, eggs positively affect the process of cell regeneration and tissue elasticity. She indicated that according to the results of a study conducted by nutritionists at Harvard University, in the event of high cholesterol in the blood, you should not eat more than one egg yolk per day. Also, if there is a possibility of atherosclerosis, it is not recommended to eat more than one egg yolk per day. She added: When there are stones in the gallbladder sac, you must be careful about eating eggs and foods rich in fats, because they may cause stomach ache. قالت الدكتورة يلينا كالين، خبيرة التغذية الروسية، أن البيض بصورة عامة مادة غذائية مفيدة للجسم وتؤثر إيجابيا في عملية إنقاص الوزن، لاحتوائه على أحماض أوميغا-3 الدهن...